NCSA Membership Dues










T2T - 7 



T2T - 5 



L2T - 4  







NCSA FEES – per swimmer & non refundable







Team Gear

Team Gear




Admin & Web Fees



Swim Canada

Insurance / database




NCSA Withdrawal Policy


A minimum of thirty (30) day written notice must be provided to the NCSA Team Manager and NCSA Bookkeeper, of your intent to withdraw and the reason why by emailing [email protected]


The effective date of withdrawal will be the last day of the following month from which the notice is given


The final day for a notice of withdrawal is December 31st of the applicable swim season. No refunds will be granted for withdrawal past December 31st. In the event an NCSA Swimmer withdrawals after December 31st, any and all outstanding swim fees for the entire season will be due and payable.


An administrative fee of $50 will be applied to all eligible withdrawals.


Please note there will be a $35 charge for declined credit card transactions.


Payment for Dues


Full Lump Sum payable by Visa or MasterCard on September 01, 2024




Ten (10) equal monthly instalments

•   Visa or MasterCard - payments processed at 12:00 am on the 1st of each month from September 2024 to June 2025. Credit Card transactions will be automatically processed through our website. We do not accept VisaDebit.


Credit Card 

  1. sign in to your account
  2. on the side menu: click MY ACCOUNT > SETUP AUTO PAY
  3. click ADD NEW CARD
  4. fill in the credit card details
  5. click SAVE


Multi Swimmer Discounts:


Families with more than one (1) swimmer registered with NCSA are eligible to receive a 5% discount for the second swimmer and a 10% discount for their third or fourth swimmer. This discount will be applied to the first month’s payment.  Discounts will be applied from the highest squad swimmer to the lowest.  NCSS swimmers are not eligible for the discount.




NCSA will front the expenses for swimmer's activities such as; swim meets and travel for out of town meets. Each month, any equipment purchased or events participated in will be billed to your swimmer's individual account. All members have access to their accounts to view all charged transactions.


In accordance with the Member Payment Management Policy- NCSA-012-06.17.2020 members must voluntarily clear their account balance on the FIRST of each month. Credit card payments will be automatically processed through Team Unify.

If the balance remains un-cleared by the 1st of the month, the rules of nonpayment in the Member Payment Management Policy applies.


For all questions or concerns regarding your account and payments, please contact our bookkeeper at [email protected]